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Annual Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2022
Marmalade Café, Los Angeles

The meeting was called to order by President, Po-Yin Samuel Huang, MD. Personal introductions were made by the twenty members and guests. All names are on record. Roxanne Kuns, Executive Director, was also present.

On a special note, we were joined by CAFP Advocacy Assistant, Karen Alvarado. Also, two of our National Conference scholarship recipients were in attendance: Ariana Vajdi, MS2, Kaiser Permanente and Ernie Rodriguez, MS3, Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara School of Medicine (and local University of Laverne). Ernie has received a position with the AAFP for a national role as the Family Medicine Interest Group Network Regional Coordinator for 2023, specifically for international medical students where he will serve as liaison between AAFP and FMIGs abroad.

Dr. Huang asked for approval of the minutes which were printed in the August Newsletter as well as in the meeting Agenda. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.

Dr. Jerry Abraham presented an overview of the January 1 – August 31, 2022, Treasurer’s Report. He made a motion to accept the report as printed in the Agenda and the report was accepted by unanimous vote.

The Nominating Committee Report was presented in the Agenda. Dr. Huang opened the floor for additional nominations, of which there were none. There were three names submitted on the report for one open position: Director of District IV on the CAFP Board of Directors. A brief discussion concluded that the names would be placed on the ballot requiring a “rank choice vote.” The members agreed it to be a good way of deciding between three candidates.

New Business:
Dr. Huang asked for venue recommendations for our final Member Appreciation Event of the year. Names mentioned were Huntington Library, Long Beach Aquarium, and the Queen Mary.

Dr. Huang presented the following for member consideration: The LA County of Public Health requested use of our logo to co-brand their Provider Enrollment Flyer and also introduce the Vaccination Provider Program to our members (VacinateLACounty.com). Support funds were not requested, nor offered. It was agreed that this would be a good relationship to foster.

Dr. Huang opened a discussion regarding the LAAFP contributing support to the CAFP to bring in high profile speakers for the AMAM, March 25-26, 2023, in the amount up to $8,000. The discussion included a reminder that the speakers would have a JEDI focus, a caution that delicate issues could be full of landmines, that the LA Academy would have input on the speakers chosen and that this was a one-time proposal. A motion was made and seconded to accept the proposal. The vote to approve this contribution was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned.