December 2, 2021
Il Fornaio, Manhattan Beach; Tardino Brothers Italian Kitchen, Pasadena;
The Front Yard, West Hollywood; Zoom with Grubhub
The meeting was called to order by President, Monique George, MD. Thirty-four members were in attendance; all names are on record. Roxanne Kuns, Executive Director, was also present.
Dr. George made a special acknowledgment of one of our attendees, Dr. Chao-Ming Charles Lin. Dr. Lin was awarded an induction to the degree of Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians in July, this year. He plans to go to Washington DC next September for an induction breakfast conferring Fellows. He is now granted the honor of using the FAAFP credential. Congratulations from Dr. Lin’s colleagues were unanimously expressed.
Dr. George moved on to welcome all of those in attendance, expressing excitement over being able to do something new for our members by offering four venue locations for this meeting.
Dr. George then asked for a motion to accept the minutes of the September 26 meeting at the Huntington Library, as printed in the October Newsletter and in the Agenda. The motion was moved and seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
Dr. Emma Hiscocks introduced the January 1 – October 31, 2021, Treasurer’s Report as printed in the Agenda. After a general discussion, a motion was moved and seconded to accept the report as presented, followed by a unanimous acceptance vote.
The 2022 Election Results were presented as part of the Agenda.
Save the DATES have been announced on the CAFP website:
1) 2022 All Member Advocacy Meeting, Sheraton Grand Sacramento, March 12-13; Lobby Day, March 14. Check website for resolution information and registration information.
2) 2022 Family Medicine Clinical Forum, Westin St. Francis San Francisco, April 22-24. Check website for registration information
3) 2022 CAFP award nominations are due February 1, 2022. For award nomination forms and/or questions, email
The new business was the appointment of 2022 authorized signers on the LAAFP Banc of CA checking account and VANGUARD investment funds: Po-Yin Samuel Huang, MD, President; and Jerry Abraham, MD, Secretary-Treasurer. Roxanne Kuns, Executive Director, is the existing signer on these accounts.
In closing, Dr. George expressed gratefulness to all who attended the final meeting of her presidency, especially during the last month of a very challenging year. Also, she emphasized the commitment of our Academy in future years to expand the number of meeting locations being offered to our members.
The meeting was adjourned.