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Legislative Affairs Update – Wesley G. Bradford, MD, MPH, FAAFP

October 2021

Wesley G. Bradford, MD, MPH, FAAFP

Governor Newsom signed 12 CAFP-supported bills to increase health care access, protect reproductive health care providers and patients, support physician practices and residents, reduce racial disparity in maternal and infant mortality, and protect patients and providers at vaccination sites. (He vetoed the Street Medicine Act that would have assured health and social services access by homeless people outside of medical clinics.)

Family Medicine Training programs in underserved areas received $24 million in Song-Brown Primary Care training grants this year.

The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) is now the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI). Its existing initiatives will continue. Changes include:

  • A Council for guidance on healthcare workforce education and training needs;
  • A Healthcare Workforce Research Data Center;
  • Updating data programs, including outcomes reporting on surgical cardiac procedures and improved birth and death data.

Follow https://www.familydocs.org/covid19/vaccine/ and news reports for frequent updates on state & local COVID-19 vaccine & booster requirements and mandates. Due to continued pushback and political controversies, requirements and timelines vary by location. Priorities are to vaccinate the unvaccinated and not-fully-vaccinated, to ensure enough capacity for booster shots, and to vaccinate children under 12 as they become eligible. Vaccination has been shown to greatly decrease risk (although not to zero) of transmitting infection to vulnerable people and of hospitalization, death, and prolonged post-COVID disabilities. Immune system impairment increases vulnerability.

The California Statewide Overdose Safety Workgroup has released an all-provider letter outlining best practices for long-term opioid patients, with provider resources.


  1. Prescriptions starting in 2022 must be e-prescriptions (unless technologically temporarily unavailable).
  2. The “Open Charts Law” requires giving patients access without charge to their EMR health information, such as by web portal (except psychotherapy or legal or administrative notes).

MICRA repeal will be on the ballot in November 2022 (the “Fairness for Injured Patients Act”, promoted by trial attorneys). CAFP and MICRA supporters are looking for volunteers to support fighting this initiative.

Our experienced CAFP lobbyists in Sacramento are Bryce WA Docherty and Vanessa Cajina. See https://www.familydocs.org/advocacy/ for CAFP Advocacy Information.