LAAFP Breakfast Caucus
The Citizen Hotel, Sacramento
March 10, 2019
President Daniel Pio, MD, called the meeting to order and introduced his 2019 Executive Committee. Twenty-three members and guests attended the meeting, as well as Roxanne Kuns, Executive Director. All names have been placed on record.
Dr. Pio asked Dr. Rebecca Bertin to come forward to receive her 2018 President’s plaque award. Dr. Pio thanked Dr. Bertin for her good leadership in 2018.
The November 29, 2018, Executive and Member Appreciation meeting was held at Tony P’s Dockside Grill in Marina del Rey. Dr. Pio moved that the minutes be approved as printed in the January Newsletter and in the Agenda. The motion was seconded and the minutes were unanimously approved.
A motion was received and seconded to accept the 2018 Financial Recap, as part of the budgetary planning, and as printed in the Agenda and presented by Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Po-Yin Samuel Huang. The report was unanimously accepted as printed.
Dr. Pio introduced the Budget Committee Report, offering explanations regarding line items that had increased. The emphasis of the 2019 budget is to support special outreach to medical students by holding small local events to offer them a better understanding of the true scope of family medicine. Dr. Pio made the motion to adopt the 2019 Proposed Budget as read by Dr. Huang. The motion was received, seconded and unanimously carried.
A motion was received and seconded to also accept the January-February 2019 Treasurer’s Report as printed in the Agenda and presented by Dr. Huang. The motion was unanimously carried.
The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing the AMAM Resolutions as published on the CAFP website. Resolutions A-02-19, A-03-19 and A-05-19 were selected to be discussed. Since none of the resolutions were being put to a vote at this time, LAAFP representatives volunteered to give testimony to concerns or recommendations before the CAFP Board of Directors at the closing session of the AMAM.
The meeting was adjourned